Once upon a time, Miranda Derrick, a famous online star, found herself in a whirlwind of trouble after a Netflix documentary aired secrets about her involvement in a TikTok cult.
The documentary revealed Miranda's sad story of drifting apart from her family after joining a company called 7M Films and a church called Shekinah. It's like a real-life soap opera!
Poor Miranda and her husband James are scared for their lives! They've been getting scary messages and even followed in their cars since the documentary came out.
Despite the drama, Miranda's been secretly trying to fix things with her family. But now, thanks to the documentary, it's all out in the open.
Miranda's not taking this lying down! She's speaking up, saying the documentary got it all wrong about her and her family.
Her sister Melanie is not so sure Miranda understands the whole story. It's like a classic sibling argument, but on a big, public stage!
Miranda's also facing a struggle over her faith. She started going to church, but her family doesn't get it and thinks she's in a cult!
Things get even sadder when Miranda remembers missing her grandpa's funeral because of family fights. It's heartbreak city.