In a heartfelt revelation, pop sensation Billie Eilish shares her personal struggles with ghosting and loneliness.

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"I genuinely didn't know people did that," Billie reveals, expressing her disbelief and hurt when someone she trusted suddenly stopped all communication without explanation.

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"I lost all of my friends when I got famous," Billie admits, reflecting on the isolation she felt as she lost many friends along the way, leaving her feeling lonely.

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"I'm very freaked out by loss and I have a lot of abandonment problems," Billie shares, reflecting on her fear of being abandoned.

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"But now, I have a crew! It's been the greatest thing that's happened to me," Billie opens up, sharing her journey towards rebuilding connections.

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"Lily Allen's song 'Smile' really inspired me," Billie reveals, describing how music, especially the lyrics of "Smile".

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"I have friends now again," Billie shares, expressing her transformation as she learns to value genuine connections over fame.

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